Twentieth -Century History
"If twentieth-century history ....
....has anything to teach us
it is that we humans have a dangerous tendency
to turn the visions we construct ourselves
into self -fulfilling prophecies.
The idea of the "survival of the fittest"
has been misused to condone, and in some cases
to justify, excesses of human greed and individualism
and to ignore ethical models
for relating to our fellow human beings
in a more compassionate spirit."

HH the Dalai Lama
"The Universe in a single Atom"
"If twentieth-century history ....
....has anything to teach us
it is that we humans have a dangerous tendency
to turn the visions we construct ourselves
into self -fulfilling prophecies.
The idea of the "survival of the fittest"
has been misused to condone, and in some cases
to justify, excesses of human greed and individualism
and to ignore ethical models
for relating to our fellow human beings
in a more compassionate spirit."

HH the Dalai Lama
"The Universe in a single Atom"
Posted by Orion
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