A Wiser Mind
Dec 07

Whenever we choose to put our faith in self created
or commonly accepted idols and authorities of the time
or superficial unsubstantiated and unsustainable beliefs
which can only offer temporary hope and comfort
we are bound to get disillusioned and disappointed
at some stage in the future.
The good news is that only the disappointment is bad
the result is growth, reassessment and a wiser mind.
Dec 07

Whenever we choose to put our faith in self created
or commonly accepted idols and authorities of the time
or superficial unsubstantiated and unsustainable beliefs
which can only offer temporary hope and comfort
we are bound to get disillusioned and disappointed
at some stage in the future.
The good news is that only the disappointment is bad
the result is growth, reassessment and a wiser mind.
Posted by Orion
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