Feb 08

Like a Tree
It simultaneously 'bears and 'becomes' its own Fruit and Seed.
Like a Seed
It contains All memories of its Past
and possesses the myriads of possibilities
of its multitude of Futures
It is neither possessed nor is expressed by
but rather It expresses Itself through All living beings
and their various stages of development
There is Only Consciousness

All else is just manifestation of Its endless expressions
Feb 08

Like a Tree
It simultaneously 'bears and 'becomes' its own Fruit and Seed.
Like a Seed
It contains All memories of its Past
and possesses the myriads of possibilities
of its multitude of Futures
It is neither possessed nor is expressed by
but rather It expresses Itself through All living beings
and their various stages of development
There is Only Consciousness

All else is just manifestation of Its endless expressions
Posted by Orion