Unfortunate Misconceptions
Jan 08

We live our lives with and through
many unfortunate misconceptions
both in regards to ourselves and our place in the world
as well as the world that surrounds us,
interact with and are interdependent upon.
Unfortunate, because of their impact and effect on our lives.
Some misconceptions are founded on beliefs
-formed from various sources at various times-
while some beliefs are based on misconceptions
either personal or generally accepted.
We live and survive, despite of them and often
because of them.
Survival though does not equate with Quality of life.
Challenging ourselves from time to time
out of our secure ground
takes courage and determination
and a calm open and inquisitive mind.
The challenge is in being prepared to see
understand and acknowledge
that 'what we think we know'
may in fact be either incorrect, incomplete,
distorted or non existent.
Jan 08
We live our lives with and through
many unfortunate misconceptions
both in regards to ourselves and our place in the world
as well as the world that surrounds us,
interact with and are interdependent upon.
Unfortunate, because of their impact and effect on our lives.
Some misconceptions are founded on beliefs
-formed from various sources at various times-
while some beliefs are based on misconceptions
either personal or generally accepted.
We live and survive, despite of them and often
because of them.
Survival though does not equate with Quality of life.
Challenging ourselves from time to time
out of our secure ground
takes courage and determination
and a calm open and inquisitive mind.
The challenge is in being prepared to see
understand and acknowledge
that 'what we think we know'
may in fact be either incorrect, incomplete,
distorted or non existent.
Posted by Orion
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