In Whose Image?
Dec 07

Man needs a God in order to establish the origin of his creation
and the assurance of his continuation.
Man needs to control his own destiny
and needs God to be tangible and accessible
so he creates ceremony and tradition.
Man needs rules in order to survive and live orderly
so he creates ...'God's' will, heaven and even hell
and some 'evil' in the shape of entity
that 'pursues' him constantly.
(possibly because ...
the devil he knows is better than any devil he does not?)
Man fights wars in order to protect his faith,
his land and his resources
so he makes God his 'comrade' and 'protector'
and fights his own wars in His holy name.
Man needs to identify and align his image with God
so he makes God to have made him in His own image
-together with some obscure creation of ...'woman'
-as in Eve's case- to complete him ...or to tempt him???...
(Considering that half of humanity IS ...'woman'
her place and status in the creation begs for more explanation.
No doubt she had neither the chance nor any choice of input
in man's ideology of 'his' God and his God's creation)
Man feels vulnerable and insignificant in the midst
of a vast and unknown universe.
He needs to feel significant and indispensable
as well as to find some purpose in his existence
so he makes himself the center of God's creation
and all else considers as created for him and his use
and dominance.
All of this or some of it could to some degree be true,
but structured so rigidly and held so tightly for centuries,
stifles man's true ability to reach and touch
what is already there without any need to be invented.
It is like going to a well with a spoon
trying to bring up some water
instead of going to the river and swim directly in it.
Dec 07

Man needs a God in order to establish the origin of his creation
and the assurance of his continuation.
Man needs to control his own destiny
and needs God to be tangible and accessible
so he creates ceremony and tradition.
Man needs rules in order to survive and live orderly
so he creates ...'God's' will, heaven and even hell
and some 'evil' in the shape of entity
that 'pursues' him constantly.
(possibly because ...
the devil he knows is better than any devil he does not?)
Man fights wars in order to protect his faith,
his land and his resources
so he makes God his 'comrade' and 'protector'
and fights his own wars in His holy name.
Man needs to identify and align his image with God
so he makes God to have made him in His own image
-together with some obscure creation of ...'woman'
-as in Eve's case- to complete him ...or to tempt him???...
(Considering that half of humanity IS ...'woman'
her place and status in the creation begs for more explanation.
No doubt she had neither the chance nor any choice of input
in man's ideology of 'his' God and his God's creation)
Man feels vulnerable and insignificant in the midst
of a vast and unknown universe.
He needs to feel significant and indispensable
as well as to find some purpose in his existence
so he makes himself the center of God's creation
and all else considers as created for him and his use
and dominance.
All of this or some of it could to some degree be true,
but structured so rigidly and held so tightly for centuries,
stifles man's true ability to reach and touch
what is already there without any need to be invented.
It is like going to a well with a spoon
trying to bring up some water
instead of going to the river and swim directly in it.
Posted by Orion
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