Speech, Intelligence and Consciousness
Feb 08

Speech, Intelligence and Consciousness
Are considered to be the three elements
that distinguish man and place him on a separate level
from the rest of the world that surrounds him.
Within the scheme of interdependency, man is only a part
in that he depends upon an endless chain of other life forms
for his existence as much as they depend upon him for theirs
yet not always...
Many life forms can survive better without man's presence.
There are questions that arise in regards to those three elements
particularly the aspect of consciousness.
What is consciousness and is it really something unique to him
or is it one of his misconceptions
and in reality it is his inability to register or perceive
the aspect of consciousness in other life forms
because it appears different
and cannot be communicated back to him?
For example;
Man, at least at the present, cannot survive without the Earth
-both as a planet as well as for all it provides for him.
Yet, does Earth as a Planet
depend upon man for its existence?
It appears it does not
and can possibly survive even better without him.
From man's point of view though
the Earth is "just a planet" without consciousness
nor awareness.*
He might be excused for believing so-for how else could man get away
with so many detrimental actions he senselessly delivers upon Earth
- the sole sustenance of his life?
Could it possibly be that man is in the infancy stage of his evolution
and his present ignorance is tolerated by planet - mother - Earth
much as a mother would do with her toddler
or perhaps as a higher consciousness life form
with greater tolerance, patience and understanding?
The Sun is also absolutely essential not only for man's survival
but for practically everything that exists upon the face of Earth
while man is neither essential nor part of Sun's existence.
Yet from man's point of view
the Sun is also "just a celestial body - a ball of fire"
without consciousness nor awareness.
At this point man believes that he stands alone
as practically the only "creature" in his known universe
that has the kind of consciousness that sets him apart
from all else that surrounds him.
Is it possible though that man's consciousness
at the present stage of his evolution
is limited, rudimentary and undeveloped
and thus unable to perceive other finer or alternate levels
of consciousness far more developed than his own?
Feb 08

Speech, Intelligence and Consciousness
Are considered to be the three elements
that distinguish man and place him on a separate level
from the rest of the world that surrounds him.
Within the scheme of interdependency, man is only a part
in that he depends upon an endless chain of other life forms
for his existence as much as they depend upon him for theirs
yet not always...
Many life forms can survive better without man's presence.
There are questions that arise in regards to those three elements
particularly the aspect of consciousness.
What is consciousness and is it really something unique to him
or is it one of his misconceptions
and in reality it is his inability to register or perceive
the aspect of consciousness in other life forms
because it appears different
and cannot be communicated back to him?
For example;
Man, at least at the present, cannot survive without the Earth
-both as a planet as well as for all it provides for him.
Yet, does Earth as a Planet
depend upon man for its existence?
It appears it does not
and can possibly survive even better without him.
From man's point of view though
the Earth is "just a planet" without consciousness
nor awareness.*
He might be excused for believing so-for how else could man get away
with so many detrimental actions he senselessly delivers upon Earth
- the sole sustenance of his life?
Could it possibly be that man is in the infancy stage of his evolution
and his present ignorance is tolerated by planet - mother - Earth
much as a mother would do with her toddler
or perhaps as a higher consciousness life form
with greater tolerance, patience and understanding?
The Sun is also absolutely essential not only for man's survival
but for practically everything that exists upon the face of Earth
while man is neither essential nor part of Sun's existence.
Yet from man's point of view
the Sun is also "just a celestial body - a ball of fire"
without consciousness nor awareness.
At this point man believes that he stands alone
as practically the only "creature" in his known universe
that has the kind of consciousness that sets him apart
from all else that surrounds him.
Is it possible though that man's consciousness
at the present stage of his evolution
is limited, rudimentary and undeveloped
and thus unable to perceive other finer or alternate levels
of consciousness far more developed than his own?
Posted by Orion
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