For Peace or War?
Dec 07

For centuries, and to this modern day
when man has embarked to an unjust unwarranted war
either for religion, territory, resources or other human affairs
he has often done so proclaiming "God on our side"
When the war was not won
was there ever admission or any frank realisation
that "God was not on our side"
or that ''God was on the other side"....
and ..."did we make a mistake?"
Does God really take sides and for purposes
as trivial and ephemeral as the above?
How can anyone justify killing another human being
or nation on mass by using God as his... biased 'alliance'
and believe it as true?
Can man know or even control his own individual little destiny
let alone assume such enormous responsibility
of determining and executing horrific acts of violence
while proclaiming God on his side.
If God were displeased or angry with one group or other
would he really need man to fight His battles for him
by gun, death and destruction?
And where does massacre, rape and torture of innocent
- those 'little' casualties -
fit in this alliance?
Did man create humanity?
Does Man have any right to destroy or alter with violence
any part of humanity?
If God were to take sides
would there be anyone left
to utter such irresponsibly moronic claims... ever again?
Peace on Earth cannot be established by wishing it alone
while using false justifications for perpetuating wars
but by persistent determined actions to bring an end
to violence and war against other human beings or nations.
Maybe when finally Man has found a right and just way
of creating, respecting, serving and preserving a
One whole United Humanity
then he can justly claim that
"God is on our side"
Dec 07

For centuries, and to this modern day
when man has embarked to an unjust unwarranted war
either for religion, territory, resources or other human affairs
he has often done so proclaiming "God on our side"
When the war was not won
was there ever admission or any frank realisation
that "God was not on our side"
or that ''God was on the other side"....
and ..."did we make a mistake?"
Does God really take sides and for purposes
as trivial and ephemeral as the above?
How can anyone justify killing another human being
or nation on mass by using God as his... biased 'alliance'
and believe it as true?
Can man know or even control his own individual little destiny
let alone assume such enormous responsibility
of determining and executing horrific acts of violence
while proclaiming God on his side.
If God were displeased or angry with one group or other
would he really need man to fight His battles for him
by gun, death and destruction?
And where does massacre, rape and torture of innocent
- those 'little' casualties -
fit in this alliance?
Did man create humanity?
Does Man have any right to destroy or alter with violence
any part of humanity?
If God were to take sides
would there be anyone left
to utter such irresponsibly moronic claims... ever again?
Peace on Earth cannot be established by wishing it alone
while using false justifications for perpetuating wars
but by persistent determined actions to bring an end
to violence and war against other human beings or nations.
Maybe when finally Man has found a right and just way
of creating, respecting, serving and preserving a
One whole United Humanity
then he can justly claim that
"God is on our side"
Posted by Orion
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