Staring at the Sun
Jan 08
Imagine someone staring directly at the Sun.
Facing the Truth is like staring directly at the Sun.
Its blinding - It can burn the retina.
The Sun is always there
whether one notices or chooses to ignore it.
When it gets uncomfortable one can look away
The Truth, is also always there
whether one notices or chooses to ignore it
but unlike the Sun
having looked into it, it is impossible to look away
More often than not it is uncomfortable.
It can burn the soul.
It has been said:
"The Truth will set you Free"
But for this to happen Transformation is necessary.
One needs to 'change' their mind
And train it to See, to Hold, and Accept the Truth.

I am like a man staring directly at the Sun.
Jan 08
Imagine someone staring directly at the Sun.
Facing the Truth is like staring directly at the Sun.
Its blinding - It can burn the retina.
The Sun is always there
whether one notices or chooses to ignore it.
When it gets uncomfortable one can look away
The Truth, is also always there
whether one notices or chooses to ignore it
but unlike the Sun
having looked into it, it is impossible to look away
More often than not it is uncomfortable.
It can burn the soul.
It has been said:
"The Truth will set you Free"
But for this to happen Transformation is necessary.
One needs to 'change' their mind
And train it to See, to Hold, and Accept the Truth.

I am like a man staring directly at the Sun.
Posted by Orion
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