The Passage of Time

Time is always moving,
minute-by-minute and second-by-second.
As time moves on, so do our lives.
Nobody can stop this movement.
However, one thing is in our hands,
and that is whether or not we waste the time we have;
whether we use it in a negative way or in a constructive way.
The passage of time through which we live our lives
is the same for all of us and there is also a basic equality
between those of us who are a part of this time.
The difference lies in our state of mind and motivation.
HH the Dalai Lama
" The Essential Dalai Lama"
edited by Rajiv Mehrotra

Time is always moving,
minute-by-minute and second-by-second.
As time moves on, so do our lives.
Nobody can stop this movement.
However, one thing is in our hands,
and that is whether or not we waste the time we have;
whether we use it in a negative way or in a constructive way.
The passage of time through which we live our lives
is the same for all of us and there is also a basic equality
between those of us who are a part of this time.
The difference lies in our state of mind and motivation.
HH the Dalai Lama
" The Essential Dalai Lama"
edited by Rajiv Mehrotra
Posted by Orion
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