Genetically Modified?...
Nov 07

Genetically modified or artificially inseminated Ape?
I have great difficulty believing that One great God
created Man as One Perfect species
and as the Center of all Creation.
Whatever his misgivings, and they are many indeed,
man is undoubted the most fascinating creature on Earth
both in positive as well as in negative ways.
His astonishing ability to rise in the face of evil,
disaster or catastrophe, as a divine hero
through acts of benevolent kindness, bravery
and selfless sacrifice for the good of all humanity,
contrasted by his ability to descend into the most dark,
demonic, brutally barbaric acts of unthinkable sadistic
cruel violence and destruction
beyond any other beast on this planet,
indicates an utterly inexplicable duality, pointing to a possibility
of a merging of two entirely different species.
Is there potentially some missing or unknown -so far- link
that could free him from this loophole of duality
and cause the progression into an assimilation of both
and transformation into one that transcends
all current levels of 'beast and hero'
into one that reaches divine?
After all, has not this Always been
Man's deep Instinctual Aspiration,
Inner dream and Perpetual strife?
Nov 07

Genetically modified or artificially inseminated Ape?
I have great difficulty believing that One great God
created Man as One Perfect species
and as the Center of all Creation.
Whatever his misgivings, and they are many indeed,
man is undoubted the most fascinating creature on Earth
both in positive as well as in negative ways.
His astonishing ability to rise in the face of evil,
disaster or catastrophe, as a divine hero
through acts of benevolent kindness, bravery
and selfless sacrifice for the good of all humanity,
contrasted by his ability to descend into the most dark,
demonic, brutally barbaric acts of unthinkable sadistic
cruel violence and destruction
beyond any other beast on this planet,
indicates an utterly inexplicable duality, pointing to a possibility
of a merging of two entirely different species.
Is there potentially some missing or unknown -so far- link
that could free him from this loophole of duality
and cause the progression into an assimilation of both
and transformation into one that transcends
all current levels of 'beast and hero'
into one that reaches divine?
After all, has not this Always been
Man's deep Instinctual Aspiration,
Inner dream and Perpetual strife?
Posted by Orion
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