Beyond Beliefs...
Belief is an involuntary endorsement of a theory
that serves as security, stability, certainty
and to some degree permanency.
One inherent danger in its nature is that it is adopted
in an involuntary, often unconscious, automatic way
even when derived from or without systematic observations
or mental analytical processes.
Once imbedded in a holder's realm of "reality"
it tends to gather a life of its own
and concretise itself into an immovable force
which as such inevitably may imprison the holder
and impede clear vision and growth.
Faith is an even blinder instrument in that
it can exist without need for proof of existence
or correctness of its object.
Can man possibly live without Belief or Faith
especially when these two are often serving as the props of Hope?
Beyond Beliefs ...
Just observing, examining,assessing and reassessing
all evolving in the world outside
and all transformations taking place inside
ever alert, always alive.
Belief is an involuntary endorsement of a theory
that serves as security, stability, certainty
and to some degree permanency.
One inherent danger in its nature is that it is adopted
in an involuntary, often unconscious, automatic way
even when derived from or without systematic observations
or mental analytical processes.
Once imbedded in a holder's realm of "reality"
it tends to gather a life of its own
and concretise itself into an immovable force
which as such inevitably may imprison the holder
and impede clear vision and growth.
Faith is an even blinder instrument in that
it can exist without need for proof of existence
or correctness of its object.
Can man possibly live without Belief or Faith
especially when these two are often serving as the props of Hope?
Beyond Beliefs ...
Just observing, examining,assessing and reassessing
all evolving in the world outside
and all transformations taking place inside
ever alert, always alive.
Posted by Orion
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