What does God look like
March 08

I like to think that there Is God.
I prefer to believe that there Is God -rather that there is not.
Assuming that there is, i often contemplate on the idea of
"What does God really Look like" ...
I find the personification or anthropomorphic idea
rather childish and far fetched.
It is such an obvious concept of projection
and a rather primitive one born of necessity
desperation and limited perception or imagination.
A baby Hippo looks pretty much like its mum and dad
only so much smaller
A baby Elephant, and a baby Giraffe and a baby Baboon...
and so on ...
God created Man therefore man looks like God?...
therefore God looks like Man???...
God of course created elephant...and hippo...and giraffe...
and snake ...and worm..........therefore???....
No - No - No!...God cannot possibly look like an elephant
or giraffe or ...baboon because Man is the most intelligent
creature and the crown of creation on Earth - therefore......
Yes, on Earth!...but Is Earth All there is?...
How much beyond the Tree and its munching leaf
Is a Caterpillar aware of?...
Surely God must look like a giant caterpillar from that angle
at least until one day the caterpillar changes into a Butterfly
and then can have a wider view and experience
of its surroundings beyond the tree and the leaf.
Personally, I too prefer the idea of personification
because it is easier and much more comforting
to imagine a benevolent Face to turn to at times of need
despair or unbearable pain, rather than ...
...Some One or Some Thing ...without shape, without sound
without colour, or any discernable substance
and completely invisible ...pretty much... like it is right now!...
It appears rather cruel and i believe it is so for any poor human.
Yet, this is where one of our greatest challenges probably lie:
To believe and trust in something that Is and Looks
entirely and unimaginably different!
All seeing, All knowing, All powerful and Ever Present
Creating, Destroying, Ever-changing, yet
Shapeless, Formless, Soundless and Completely Invisible
other than its Parts and Actions in All their manifestations
or totally indefinable even by any of these terms

and like the caterpillar on its small leaf
hoping to one day be transformed into Butterflies
and have a better wider view and perception
of what there really is and of what we are
that are not able to imagine at this stage.
When All man made structures and preconceptions Fall
True vision may be revealed.
In the mean time there is nothing more comforting to imagine
than a benevolent Face to turn to at times of need and despair
And no better one than that of a Benevolent Fellow Man ...
Alter Ego
March 08

I like to think that there Is God.
I prefer to believe that there Is God -rather that there is not.
Assuming that there is, i often contemplate on the idea of
"What does God really Look like" ...
I find the personification or anthropomorphic idea
rather childish and far fetched.
It is such an obvious concept of projection
and a rather primitive one born of necessity
desperation and limited perception or imagination.
A baby Hippo looks pretty much like its mum and dad
only so much smaller
A baby Elephant, and a baby Giraffe and a baby Baboon...
and so on ...
God created Man therefore man looks like God?...
therefore God looks like Man???...
God of course created elephant...and hippo...and giraffe...
and snake ...and worm..........therefore???....
No - No - No!...God cannot possibly look like an elephant
or giraffe or ...baboon because Man is the most intelligent
creature and the crown of creation on Earth - therefore......
Yes, on Earth!...but Is Earth All there is?...
How much beyond the Tree and its munching leaf
Is a Caterpillar aware of?...
Surely God must look like a giant caterpillar from that angle
at least until one day the caterpillar changes into a Butterfly
and then can have a wider view and experience
of its surroundings beyond the tree and the leaf.
Personally, I too prefer the idea of personification
because it is easier and much more comforting
to imagine a benevolent Face to turn to at times of need
despair or unbearable pain, rather than ...
...Some One or Some Thing ...without shape, without sound
without colour, or any discernable substance
and completely invisible ...pretty much... like it is right now!...
It appears rather cruel and i believe it is so for any poor human.
Yet, this is where one of our greatest challenges probably lie:
To believe and trust in something that Is and Looks
entirely and unimaginably different!
All seeing, All knowing, All powerful and Ever Present
Creating, Destroying, Ever-changing, yet
Shapeless, Formless, Soundless and Completely Invisible
other than its Parts and Actions in All their manifestations
or totally indefinable even by any of these terms

and like the caterpillar on its small leaf
hoping to one day be transformed into Butterflies
and have a better wider view and perception
of what there really is and of what we are
that are not able to imagine at this stage.
When All man made structures and preconceptions Fall
True vision may be revealed.
In the mean time there is nothing more comforting to imagine
than a benevolent Face to turn to at times of need and despair
And no better one than that of a Benevolent Fellow Man ...
Alter Ego
Posted by Orion
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