A Better World
May 08
I so very much desire to see
A Better World!
Why do I so very much desire, or care to see
A Better World
when my own days in it are so pitifully numbered?
It is not Just a desire
It is a strong sense of Duty and a deep sense of Purpose
Even though I know this dream will take many centuries
before it gets anywhere near everyday reality
the thought of departing before I see and live this Vision
leaves me with the sad sense of ''Something Unfinished''
What is it in me that so very passionately desires to see
A Better World...

May 08
I so very much desire to see
A Better World!
Why do I so very much desire, or care to see
A Better World
when my own days in it are so pitifully numbered?
It is not Just a desire
It is a strong sense of Duty and a deep sense of Purpose
Even though I know this dream will take many centuries
before it gets anywhere near everyday reality
the thought of departing before I see and live this Vision
leaves me with the sad sense of ''Something Unfinished''
What is it in me that so very passionately desires to see
A Better World...

Posted by Orion
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